Thursday, November 4, 2010

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men


On this the fourth day of the month, one of the appointed readings is from the Old Testament’s Ecclesiasticus (44:1-15). It is a celebration of history, of remembering who we are, and that you and I are shaped by those who came before us:

Let us now sing the praises of famous men,
our ancestors in their generations.
The Lord apportioned to them great glory,
his majesty from the beginning.
There were those who ruled in their kingdoms,
and made a name for themselves by their valor;
those who gave counsel because they were intelligent;
those who spoke in prophetic oracles;
those who led the people by their counsels
and by their knowledge of the people’s lore;
they were wise in their words of instruction;
those who composed musical tunes,
or put verses in writing;
rich men endowed with resources,
living peacefully in their homes—
all these were honored in their generations,
and were the pride of their times.
Some of them have left behind a name,
so that others declare their praise.
But of others there is no memory;
they have perished as though they had never existed;
they have become as though they had never been born,
they and their children after them.
But these also were godly men,
whose righteous deeds have not been forgotten;
their wealth will remain with their descendants,
and their inheritance with their children’s children.
Their descendants stand by the covenants;
their children also, for their sake.
Their offspring will continue for ever,
and their glory will never be blotted out.
Their bodies are buried in peace,
but their name lives on generation after generation.
The assembly declares their wisdom,
and the congregation proclaims their praise.

There are a few lines that specially strike me: “But of others there is no memory; they have perished as though they had never existed; they have become as though they had never been born, they and their children after them. But these also were godly men, whose righteous deeds have not been forgotten.”

The fact of the matter is that there are so many whose lives are not celebrated in history books, whose lives are not the stuff of movies. The vast majority of humanity does not have songs sung about their great deeds. These are the lives of ordinary men and women, people like you and me, who are by no means famous, but who try to live Godly lives. These actions, count as much as those whose lives are memorialized in history books. So during the day, remember all of those who have come before and be thankful for all that they have done to bring you and me to where we are today.


On Saturday, 6 November, the Youth Group from Holy Spirit in Houston will team up with St. Augustine to make 300 "breakfast bags" for the volunteers at the Texas Episcopal Disaster Relief at William Temple, the food pantry at St. Vincent's House, and also for the parishioners at St. Augustine of Hippo to take and deliver to those in need. We will provide the goods for the bags and Holy Spirit will provide the manpower. The “breakfast bags" will contain a water bottle, a breakfast bar, a fruit bar (or something similar) and will be sealed with a sticker with St. Augustine’s address and service time.


Jo and Jim have sent the sign-up sheet for our Sunday morning fellowship. Please be sure to sign up.


Friends & Family Game Night, this Friday, 5 November at 6:00 p.m. Bring your favorite game and most importantly, a friend. Everyone is also encouraged to bring a snack, a dessert or a beverage to share.

Adult Christian Formation: Join us every Sunday in Bright-Davies Hall at 11:00 a.m. as we study the Gospel according to Mark.

All Saints Sunday, 7 November 2010.

Thanksgiving Lunch on Sunday, 21 November after the Eucharist. Please sign up to bring a dish.

Art Classes begin in November. Stay tuned for details.

Big Mista BBQ Fund Raiser for the Community Garden, Saturday, 11 December. Tickets go on sale soon. Tell everyone you know about it.

PLEASE REMEMBER EVERYONE ON OUR PRAYER LIST! Please pray for Angela Lemons who is in the hospital with a pneumonia.

Your servant in Christ,

Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550

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