Wednesday, February 29, 2012

St. John Cassian

Today the Church remembers St.John Cassian, a theologian and monk who was born around 360 and died in 435. He was born in present day Romania.

While in Rome, John Cassianaccepted the invitation to found an Egyptian style monastery in southern Gaul,near Marseille. His foundation, the Abbey of St. Victor, a complex ofmonasteries for both men and women, was one of the first such institutes in thewest, and served as a model for later monastic development. Cassian’s abbey andwritings influenced St. Benedict, who incorporated many of the same principlesinto his monastic rule. Since Benedict’s rule is still used by Benedictine,Cistercian, and Trappist monks, the thought of John Cassian still guides thespiritual lives of thousands of men and women in the Western Church.

John Cassian wrote two majorspiritual works, the Institutions andConferences. In these, he codifiedand transmitted the wisdom of the Desert Fathers of Egypt. The Institutes deal with the externalorganization of monastic communities, while the Conferences deal with "the training of the inner man and theperfection of the heart."

The spiritual traditions ofJohn Cassian had an immeasurable effect on Western Europe. Many differentwestern spiritualities, from that of St. Benedict to that of St. Ignatius ofLoyola, owe their basic ideas to John Cassian.

His feast day is traditionallycelebrated on 29 February, but because this is a leap year day and occurs everyfour years, official Church calendars often transfer his feast to another date,usually the day before, February 28.

Let us pray: Holy and Mighty One, whose beloved Son JesusChrist blessed the pure in heart: We give you thanks for the life and teachingsof John Cassian that draw us to a discipline of holy living for the sake ofyour reign. Call us to turn the gaze of the eyes of our soul always toward you,that we may abide in your love, shown to us in our Savior Jesus Christ; whowith you and the Holy Spirit is one God, living and true, to the ages of ages.Amen.


The Joint Lenten Series withGrace begins TONIGHT, Wednesday, 29 February with Stations of the Cross and Eucharistat 6:00 p.m. followed by a light meal and a program by Tony Campolo:

Week 1 (Grace): Abundant Life,What Is It?

Week 2 (St. Augustine): Money:How Poor Does Jesus Want Us To Be?

Week 3 (Grace): Time: HowMuch Do I Have to Give Away?

Week 4 (St. Augustine): Stuff:How Much Can I Have?

Week 5 (Grace): Support: WhatWill Help?

Week 6 (St. Augustine): Next:What Will I Do Come Monday Morning?

Please join us.


St. Augustine will host the Seniors on the Island on the third Thursday of every month starting onThursday, 19 April 2012. We are becomingpart of the Seaside Seniors Mature Adult Ministry. This ministry assists with aweekly lunch open to all seniors. If you are interested in food, fun andfellowship, join the Seaside Seniors each week throughout Galveston Island.Line dancing begins at 11am and lunch is served at 11:45am at the followinglocations:

1st Thursdays at St. Patrick’s

2nd Thursdays at Moody Methodist

3rd Thursdays at St. Augustine

4th Thursdays at Grace Episcopal

Please remember everyone on ourPrayer List, especially all of those who are traveling, Stacy Putman’s motherwho had hip surgery and her father who is dealing with cancer.

Your servant in Christ,

Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of HippoEpiscopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550

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