Today the Church remembers St. Chad of Lichfield. Here is a short biography of St. Chad from St. Chad’s College at the University of Durham in England:
St Chad was the first bishop of Mercia and Lindsey at Lichfield. He was the brother of Cedd, whom he succeeded as Abbot of Lastingham, North Yorkshire, and a disciple of Aidan who sent him to Ireland as part of his education. Chad was chosen by Oswi, king of Northumbria, as bishop of the Northumbrian see, while Wilfrid, who had been chosen for Deira by the sub-king Alcfrith, was absent in Gaul seeking consecration shortly after the Synod of Whitby (663/4). Faced with a dearth of bishops in England, Chad was unwise enough to be consecrated by the simoniacal Wine of Dorchester, assisted by two dubious British bishops. Wilfrid on his return to England in 666, found that Alcfrith was dead or exiled and retired to Ripon, leaving Chad in occupation. But in 669 Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, restored Wilfrid to York and deposed Chad (who retired to Lastingham), but soon reconsecrated him to be bishop of the Mercians. This unusual step was due both to the new opening for Christianity in Mercia and to the excellent character of Chad himself, whom both Eddius and Bede recognized as being unusually humble, devout, zealous and apostolic. Chad’s episcopate of three years laid the foundations of the see of Lichfield according to the decrees of Theodore’s council at Hertford, which established diocesan organization. Wulfhere, king of Mercia, gave him fifty hides of land for a monastery at Barow (Lincolnshire); he also established a monastery close to Lichfield Cathedral.
Chad died on March 2nd 672 and was buried in the Church of St Mary. At once, according to Bede, he was venerated as a saint and his relics were translated to the Cathedral Church of St Peter. Cures were claimed in both churches. Bede described his first shrine as ‘a wooden coffin in the shape of a little house with an aperture in the side through which the devout can...take out some of the dust, which they put into water and give to sick cattle or men to drink, upon which they are presently eased of their infirmity and restored to health’.
His relics were translated in 1148 and moved to the Lady Chapel in 1296. An even more splendid shrine was built by Robert Stretton, bishop of Lichfield (1360-85) of marble substructure with feretory adorned with gold and precious stones. Rowland Lee, bishop of Lichfield (1534-43), pleaded with Henry VIII to spare the shrine: this was done, but only for a time. At some unknown date the head and some other bones had been separated from the main shrine. Some of these, it was claimed, were preserved by recusants, and four large bones, believed to be Chad’s are in the Roman Catholic cathedral of Birmingham. A fine Mercian illuminated Gospel Book of the 8th century called the Gospels of St Chad was probably associated with his shrine, as the Lindisfarne Gospels were associated with the shrine of St Cuthbert; it is now in Lichfield Cathedral Library. The 11th century shrine list mentions the relics of Cedd and Hedda resting at Lichfield with Chad. Thirty-three ancient churches and several wells were dedicated to St Chad, mainly in the Midlands. There are also several modern dedications.
Let us pray: Almighty God, whose servant Chad, for the peace of the Church, relinquished cheerfully the honors that had been thrust upon him, only to be rewarded with equal responsibility: Keep us, we pray, from thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and ready at all times to step aside for others, (in honor preferring one another,) that the cause of Christ may be advanced; in the name of him who washed his disciples’ feet, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Joint Lenten Series with Grace on Wednesdays nights starting with Stations of the Cross and Eucharist at 6:00 p.m. followed by a light meal and a program by Tony Campolo:
Week 2 (St. Augustine): Money: How Poor Does Jesus Want Us To Be?
Week 3 (Grace): Time: How Much Do I Have to Give Away?
Week 4 (St. Augustine): Stuff: How Much Can I Have?
Week 5 (Grace): Support: What Will Help?
Week 6 (St. Augustine): Next: What Will I Do Come Monday Morning?
Please join us.
THE 2ND ANNUAL BIG BBQ AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S IS ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY, 17 MARCH--pass the word along! Unfortunately, we will not be able to have the raffle originally planned. It is the policy of the Diocese of Texas that raffles constitute gambling, and are not, therefore, permitted on Church property. Fortunately, tickets were sold to a very limited number of people, and we will be able to reimburse the individuals. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
END OF LIFE ISSUES DAY AT ST. AUGUSTINE ON SATURDAY, 24 MARCH STARTING AT 11:00 A.M. We will discuss some important end of life issues including directives to physicians, statutory powers of attorney, last wills and testaments. This is open to all adults.
SAFEGUARDING GOD'S CHILDREN AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S IN APRIL. For those who have not had the training, we will be offering it in April and it will be open to every Episcopal Church on the Island. Details will be forthcoming.
St. Augustine will host the Seniors on the Island on the third Thursday of every month starting on Thursday, 19 April 2012. We are becoming part of the Seaside Seniors Mature Adult Ministry. This ministry assists with a weekly lunch open to all seniors. If you are interested in food, fun and fellowship, join the Seaside Seniors each week throughout Galveston Island. Line dancing begins at 11am and lunch is served at 11:45am at the following locations:
1st Thursdays at St. Patrick’s
2nd Thursdays at Moody Methodist
3rd Thursdays at St. Augustine
4th Thursdays at Grace Episcopal
Please remember everyone on our Prayer List, especially all of those who are traveling, Stacy Putman’s mother and father.
Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550
St Chad was the first bishop of Mercia and Lindsey at Lichfield. He was the brother of Cedd, whom he succeeded as Abbot of Lastingham, North Yorkshire, and a disciple of Aidan who sent him to Ireland as part of his education. Chad was chosen by Oswi, king of Northumbria, as bishop of the Northumbrian see, while Wilfrid, who had been chosen for Deira by the sub-king Alcfrith, was absent in Gaul seeking consecration shortly after the Synod of Whitby (663/4). Faced with a dearth of bishops in England, Chad was unwise enough to be consecrated by the simoniacal Wine of Dorchester, assisted by two dubious British bishops. Wilfrid on his return to England in 666, found that Alcfrith was dead or exiled and retired to Ripon, leaving Chad in occupation. But in 669 Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, restored Wilfrid to York and deposed Chad (who retired to Lastingham), but soon reconsecrated him to be bishop of the Mercians. This unusual step was due both to the new opening for Christianity in Mercia and to the excellent character of Chad himself, whom both Eddius and Bede recognized as being unusually humble, devout, zealous and apostolic. Chad’s episcopate of three years laid the foundations of the see of Lichfield according to the decrees of Theodore’s council at Hertford, which established diocesan organization. Wulfhere, king of Mercia, gave him fifty hides of land for a monastery at Barow (Lincolnshire); he also established a monastery close to Lichfield Cathedral.
Chad died on March 2nd 672 and was buried in the Church of St Mary. At once, according to Bede, he was venerated as a saint and his relics were translated to the Cathedral Church of St Peter. Cures were claimed in both churches. Bede described his first shrine as ‘a wooden coffin in the shape of a little house with an aperture in the side through which the devout can...take out some of the dust, which they put into water and give to sick cattle or men to drink, upon which they are presently eased of their infirmity and restored to health’.
His relics were translated in 1148 and moved to the Lady Chapel in 1296. An even more splendid shrine was built by Robert Stretton, bishop of Lichfield (1360-85) of marble substructure with feretory adorned with gold and precious stones. Rowland Lee, bishop of Lichfield (1534-43), pleaded with Henry VIII to spare the shrine: this was done, but only for a time. At some unknown date the head and some other bones had been separated from the main shrine. Some of these, it was claimed, were preserved by recusants, and four large bones, believed to be Chad’s are in the Roman Catholic cathedral of Birmingham. A fine Mercian illuminated Gospel Book of the 8th century called the Gospels of St Chad was probably associated with his shrine, as the Lindisfarne Gospels were associated with the shrine of St Cuthbert; it is now in Lichfield Cathedral Library. The 11th century shrine list mentions the relics of Cedd and Hedda resting at Lichfield with Chad. Thirty-three ancient churches and several wells were dedicated to St Chad, mainly in the Midlands. There are also several modern dedications.
Let us pray: Almighty God, whose servant Chad, for the peace of the Church, relinquished cheerfully the honors that had been thrust upon him, only to be rewarded with equal responsibility: Keep us, we pray, from thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and ready at all times to step aside for others, (in honor preferring one another,) that the cause of Christ may be advanced; in the name of him who washed his disciples’ feet, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Joint Lenten Series with Grace on Wednesdays nights starting with Stations of the Cross and Eucharist at 6:00 p.m. followed by a light meal and a program by Tony Campolo:
Week 2 (St. Augustine): Money: How Poor Does Jesus Want Us To Be?
Week 3 (Grace): Time: How Much Do I Have to Give Away?
Week 4 (St. Augustine): Stuff: How Much Can I Have?
Week 5 (Grace): Support: What Will Help?
Week 6 (St. Augustine): Next: What Will I Do Come Monday Morning?
Please join us.
THE 2ND ANNUAL BIG BBQ AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S IS ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY, 17 MARCH--pass the word along! Unfortunately, we will not be able to have the raffle originally planned. It is the policy of the Diocese of Texas that raffles constitute gambling, and are not, therefore, permitted on Church property. Fortunately, tickets were sold to a very limited number of people, and we will be able to reimburse the individuals. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
END OF LIFE ISSUES DAY AT ST. AUGUSTINE ON SATURDAY, 24 MARCH STARTING AT 11:00 A.M. We will discuss some important end of life issues including directives to physicians, statutory powers of attorney, last wills and testaments. This is open to all adults.
SAFEGUARDING GOD'S CHILDREN AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S IN APRIL. For those who have not had the training, we will be offering it in April and it will be open to every Episcopal Church on the Island. Details will be forthcoming.
St. Augustine will host the Seniors on the Island on the third Thursday of every month starting on Thursday, 19 April 2012. We are becoming part of the Seaside Seniors Mature Adult Ministry. This ministry assists with a weekly lunch open to all seniors. If you are interested in food, fun and fellowship, join the Seaside Seniors each week throughout Galveston Island. Line dancing begins at 11am and lunch is served at 11:45am at the following locations:
1st Thursdays at St. Patrick’s
2nd Thursdays at Moody Methodist
3rd Thursdays at St. Augustine
4th Thursdays at Grace Episcopal
Please remember everyone on our Prayer List, especially all of those who are traveling, Stacy Putman’s mother and father.
Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550
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