Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks: My Only Ambition In Life Is To Be A Parish Priest

Today the Church remembers the Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks who was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1835 and died on this day in 1893 having only served 15 months as Bishop of Massachusetts.

Brooks came from a very devout family; 3 of his 6 brothers, Frederic, Arthur and John, were also ordained Episcopal priests. 

Brooks went to Harvard and graduated when he was 20.  Thereafter, he taught at the famous Boston Latin School for a brief period and then went off to seminary at Virginia Theological Seminary (the same seminary many of the clergy of this Diocese, including Bishop Doyle attended).  He was ordained deacon in 1859 and priest thereafter.  He served as rector of 2 churches in Philadelphia, the Church of the Advent and Holy Trinity where Brooks became noted as a preacher.  At the Eucharist, Brooks would preach, not from the pulpit, but from the chancel steps.

He was opposed to slavery much to the dismay of many of the members of his congregation.  Brooks once wrote that his only ambition in life was “to be a parish priest.”

Here is a bit of trivia for the day; Brooks wrote the Christmas hymn: “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”

Let us pray:  O everlasting God, who revealed truth to your servant Phillips Brooks, and so formed and molded his mind and heart that he was able to mediate that truth with grace and power: Grant, we pray, that all those whom you call to preach the Gospel may steep themselves in your word, and conform their lives to your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


The Painted Church Tour: We will travel to Schulenburg (about a 2 hour ride), tour 3-4 churches, have lunch and return to St. Augustine. We will be traveling on the bus to each of the churches so there is not a lot of walking expected, but it is recommended that you wear comfortable shoes and dress comfortably. Of course it is too early to predict the weather, but we hope it will be pleasant.
Departure Date: Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 7:30 a.m.
Depart From: St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church, 1410 41st St (Jack Johnson Blvd)

Cost: $20.00 to cover tour and lunch
If you are interested in going but may not have the funds, please contact Michelle Allen, there may be some scholarships available.

We will be using the Galveston County Senior Citizen Program bus and they require everyone to be 55 years of age to ride the bus. The bus has some additional requirements that we must follow:

         No eating or drinking (except water)

         Mobile phones are for emergencies only

         No smoking

The bus will only hold 30 passengers, so it is a first come first serve basis. If we have more sign up, Mr. Allen will add you to a waiting list. Please respond to her by email:, or call Ms. Allen at 832-244-1817 to let her know if you are interested.


ASH WEDNESDAY IS FEBRUARY 13, Ash Wednesday Liturgy with the Imposition of Ashes at 6 p.m.

LENTEN PROGRAM: Starting at 6 p.m. with the Way of the Cross, Eucharist, light supper and then the program with--

Feb. 20: The Rev. Dr. Allen Robinson, Rector of St. James in Baltimore, Maryland and from Galveston at St. Augustine (1410 41st St.)

Feb. 27: Br. Michael Gallagher, Benedictine Monk and Co-Founder of Holy Cross Monastery at Grace (1115 36th St.)

Mar. 6: Ms. Kathy Culmer, Storyteller& Diocesan Mission Funding Coordinator at Trinity (2216 Ball Ave)

Mar. 13: The Rev. Canon John Newton, Diocese of Texas Canon for Lifelong Christian Formation at St. Augustine (1410 41st St.)

Mar. 20: The Rev. Pittman McGehee, Priest, Author & Jungian Analyst at Grace (1115 36th St.)

Mar. 27: The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of the Diocese of Texas at Trinity (2216 Ball Ave)

Please remember everyone on our Prayer List.

Your servant in Christ,

The Rev. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550

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