Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Rev. John Mason Neale, Co-Founder of the Sisters of St. Margaret

Today the Church honors and remembers the founder of an Anglican religious order, John Mason Neale, who was born in London in 1818.  He studied at Trinity College at the University of Cambridge, and was ordained deacon in 1841 and priest in 1842. Although upon ordination Neale was offered a parish, his health prevented him from taking it.

In 1846, Neale was named as a warden of Sackville College, not a school but a residence for the poor.  He held this position for the remainder of his life.

In 1854, Neale co-founded the Sisterhood of St. Margaret, an order of women in the Anglican Church dedicated to nursing the sick. Many people in England at the time viewed the religious order with suspicion because it seemed as bit too Roman Catholic.  Despite this prejudice, Neale won the confidence of many who had fiercely opposed the Sisterhood of St. Margaret, which has survived and prospered.  Their webite may be found at http://www.ssmbos.com/.

Neale was awarded a doctorate by Trinity College, of Hartford, Connecticut.

Neale was also an accomplished linguist; he knew some 20 languages.  He was a prolific writer, authoring some seventy publications and numerous hymns. His works include essays, commentaries, books for children, and a compilation of hymns. His works include Hymns of the Eastern Church (1862), Essays on Liturgiology and Church History (1863), and The History of the Holy Eastern Church (5 volumes, 1847-1873).

His frail health, in combination with his heavy labors and years of controversy contributed to his early death. Neale died on 6 August 1866 at the age 48. Since 6 August is the Feast of the Transfiguration, he is remembered on 7 August. 

Let us pray: Grant, O God, that in all time of our testing we may know your presence and obey your will; that, following the example of your servant John Mason Neale, we may with integrity and courage accomplish what you give us to do, and endure what you give us to bear; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.


Art Class with Lee Runion, Friday evening, 10 August and then continuing on Saturday, 11 August.  The class will be making “yard bugs!”

Seaside Seniors, Thursday, 16 August in Sutton Hall.

The Feast Day of St. Augustine will be celebrated on Sunday, 26 August starting with Eucharist Rite II at 9 a.m. and a luncheon after the service.

Please remember everyone on our prayer list, especially, Lee Runion’s mother, Steve, Gladys, in thanksgiving for a generous gift to the Discretionary Fund, and for all of those who are travelling.

Your servant in Christ,

Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550

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