Today the Episcopal Church remembers and honors a missionary who was born in this country and served this country, Jackson Kemper. James Kiefer tells us that Jackson Kemper was born 24 December 1789 in Pleasant Valley , New York . He attended Columbia College , and was ordained a priest in 1814. In 1835, the Episcopal Church undertook to consecrate missionary bishops to preach the Gospel west of the settled areas, and Kemper was the first to be chosen. He promptly headed west. Having found that clergy who had lived all their lives in the settled East were slow to respond to his call to join him on the frontier, he determined to recruit priests from among men who were already in the West, and established a college in St. Louis , Missouri , for that purpose. He went on to found Nashotah House and Racine College in Wisconsin . He constantly urged a more extensive outreach to the Indian peoples, and translations of the Scriptures and the services of the Church into Indian languages. From 1859 till his death in 1870, he was bishop of Wisconsin , but the effect of his labors covered a far wider area.
Bishop Kemper is an example of persistence in the face of difficulty for the sake of spreading the Good News about Jesus.
Let us pray: Lord God, in whose providence Jackson Kemper was chosen first missionary bishop in this land, and by his arduous labor and travel established congregations in scattered settlements of the West: Grant that the Church may always be faithful to its mission, and have the vision, courage, and perseverance to make known to all peoples the Good News of Jesus Christ; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever.
The Galveston Police Department will hold its 29th Citizens Police Academy at the Grand 1894 Opera House in Edna’s Room. Classes will begin on Thursday, 7 June 2012, and meet each Thursday night through 16 August 2012 from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. There is no charge for the class or materials. The Citizens Police Academy offers insight into Officer Recruitment and Training, Criminal Investigation, S.W.A.T., Crime Scene Investigation, the K-9 Unit, Firearms Training, Vice and Narcotics and much, much more. Don’t miss this “Grand Opportunity” to learn about Galveston ’s Police Department – what they do and why they do it. This is also a great opportunity to become more involved in your community, network with others throughout the community, and ultimately come together in partnership with your police department to improve your community. Applicants should be 18 years of age or older and either live or work in the City of Galveston . Due to the sensitive subject matter applicants will be subjected to a background check. Participants must attend at least 9 classes to successfully complete the course. You may register at or print and mail a completed application to: Galveston Police Dept., Attn: Sgt. Destin Sims, 601 54th, Suite 200 Galveston, Texas 77551.
Please remember everyone on our Prayer List, especially those going with the Living Waters mission trip to dig wells in Central America, Melva Pope, Bob Newding, Xavier and Marcy who are newly married, Patricia Robinson all of those with ailments of the throat and esophagus, all who are ill and those who have no one to pray for them.
Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
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