What we know about Monica comes
from Augustine’s book, The Confessions. Given the circumstances in her life, Monica
could have become a bitter daughter-in-law or a despairing parent, but she did
not give in to any of these temptations. Although she was a Christian, her parents gave
her in marriage to a pagan, Patricius, who lived in her hometown of Tagaste in
North Africa. Patricius had a violent temper and was, shall we say, “a man
about town.” To top that off, Monica’s mother-in-law lived at home with them
and was “difficult to deal with.” Patricius
criticized Monica because of her charity and piety. Monica was persistent and
her prayers and example finally won her husband and mother-in-law to
Christianity. Patricius died in 371, one year after his baptism.
Monica had at least three
children who survived infancy. The oldest, Augustine, is the most famous. At
the time of his father’s death, Augustine was 17 and a rhetoric student in
Carthage. Monica was distressed to learn that her son had accepted the
Manichean heresy (a dualistic view of good and evil), and was living an immoral
life. For a while, Monica refused to let Augustine eat or sleep in her house. Then
one night she had a vision that assured her Augustine would return to the
faith. From that time on she stayed close to her son, praying and fasting for
him. In fact, she often stayed much closer than Augustine wanted.
When he was 29, Augustine
decided to go to Rome to teach rhetoric. Monica was determined to go along. One
night he told his mother that he was going to the dock to say goodbye to a
friend. Instead, he set sail for Rome. Monica was heartbroken when she learned
of Augustine’s trick, but she was hot on his trail and went to Rome. When Monica got to Rome, she found out that Augustine
took off for Milan. Monica pursued him to Milan.
In Milan, Augustine came under
the influence of the bishop, St. Ambrose, who also became Monica’s spiritual
director. Monica became a leader of the devout women in Milan as she had been
in Tagaste.
Monica continued her prayers
for Augustine. At Easter, 387, St. Ambrose baptized Augustine and several of
his friends. Soon after, his party left for Africa. Although no one else was
aware of it, Monica knew her life was near the end. She told Augustine, “Son,
nothing in this world now affords me delight. I do not know what there is now
left for me to do or why I am still here, all my hopes in this world being now
fulfilled.” She became ill shortly after and suffered severely for 9 days
before her death.
Monica is an example of the
persistent mother, one who always prays for her children and pursues them to
live their lives rightly.
Let us pray: O Lord, who through spiritual discipline
strengthened your servant Monica to persevere in offering her love and prayers
and tears for the conversion of her husband and of Augustine their son: Deepen
our devotion, we pray, and use us in accordance with your will to bring others,
even our own kindred, to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; who with
you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
11 May and Saturday, 12 May. The class
will be making stepping stones.
OURPRAYER LIST, especially for the family of the sister of Melva Pope, who died
yesterday. Into your hands, O merciful
Savior, we commend Melva’s sister. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, a sheep
of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming.
Receive her into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting
peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.
Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal
ChurchGalveston, Texas 77550
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