Wednesday, August 8, 2012

St. Dominic Guzman & the Order of Preachers

Today the Church remembers the founder of the Order of Preachers, St. Dominic, a Spaniard, who was born in 1170 and who died in 1221. He became a priest and served at the Cathedral in Osma. 

In 1206, Dominic had a turning point in his life.  He was accompanying his bishop to Southern France and he encountered the Albigenses, a sect within Christianity that believed there were two gods, one the god of goodness, light, truth, and spirit, and the other the god of evil, darkness, error, and matter. They viewed the material universe as evil, and created by a bad god. The good god created everything that was spiritual. 

Dominic and his bishop stayed at an inn that was owned by an Albigensian. Dominic stayed up all night talking with the innkeeper, and by morning, the innkeeper gave up his Albigensian beliefs and embraced the faith as expressed in the Nicene Creed.  At this juncture, Dominic knew that he was called to preach and to teach those who did not accept the ancient Nicene Creed.  In 1215, he established an entire religious order dedicated to that task, the Order of Preachers.  This religious order now runs universities, high schools, and may be found frequently preaching.  The Order of Preachers is also a religious order within the Anglican Communion, and they are all around the world, including here in the United States.  You may learn more about them on their web site:

Let us pray:  Almighty God, whose servant Dominic grew in knowledge of your truth and formed an order of preachers to proclaim the good news of Christ: Give to all your people a hunger for your Word and an urgent longing to share the Gospel, that the whole world may come to know you as you are revealed in your Son Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Art Class with Lee Runion, Friday evening, 10 August and then continuing on Saturday, 11 August.  The class will be making “yard bugs!”

Seaside Seniors, Thursday, 16 August in Sutton Hall.

The Feast Day of St. Augustine will be celebrated on Sunday, 26 August starting with Eucharist Rite II at 9a.m. and a luncheon after the service.

Please remember everyone on our prayer list, especially, Lee Runion’s mother, Steve, Gladys, in thanksgiving for a generous gift to the Discretionary Fund, and for all of those who are travelling.

Your servant in Christ,

Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550

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