Today the Church remembers and honors two saints, Simon and Jude.
We read about Jude in Luke and the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, whereas Matthew and Mark call him Thaddeus. He is not mentioned elsewhere in the Gospels, except, of course, where all the apostles are mentioned. Scholars hold that he is not the author of the Letter of Jude. Jude is not to be confused with Judas.
Simon is mentioned in all 4 lists of the apostles. In 2 of them he is called “the Zealot.” The Zealots were a Jewish sect that represented an extreme of Jewish nationalism. For them, the messianic promise of the Old Testament meant that the Jews were to be a free and independent nation where the Kindgom of David would be restored. God alone was their king, and any payment of taxes to the Romans—the very domination of the Romans—was a blasphemy against God. No doubt some of the Zealots were the spiritual heirs of the Maccabees, carrying on their ideals of religion and independence. But many were the counterparts of modern terrorists. They raided and killed, attacking both foreigners and “collaborating” Jews. They were chiefly responsible for the rebellion against Rome which ended in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
As in the case of all the apostles except for Peter, James and John, we are faced with men who are really unknown, and we are struck by the fact that their holiness is simply taken to be a gift of Christ. He chose some unlikely people: a former Zealot, a former tax collector, an impetuous fisherman, and two “sons of thunder.” It is a reminder that holiness does not depend on human merit, culture, personality, effort or achievement. It is entirely God’s creation and gift. God picks people like you and me.
Let us pray: O God, we thank you for the glorious company of the apostles, and especially on this day for Simon and Jude; and we pray that, as they were faithful and zealous in their mission, so we may with ardent devotion make known the love and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S for the beautiful gift of the Last Supper word carving, the cross necklace for Mary and the gift certificate. Mary and I are privileged to be at St. Augustine’s and to have each of you in our lives.
Remember to turn your clocks back one hour this Saturday. It is time to fall back.
Next Sunday is All Saints. We will read the names of all of those who have left us marked with the sign of faith.
We will have a Community Garden work day on the 3rd and the 10th of November. There will also be a pot luck lunch meeting on the 3rd of November.
Please remember everyone on our Prayer List, especially the family of Charles F. Doyle, the father of Bishop C. Andrew Doyle, who died on the 27th of October, Steve Poirier who died on Tuesday, everyone who is will, all those who are seeking employment and everyone who has no one to pray for them.
Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Chester J. Makowski+
St. Augustine of Hippo Episcopal Church
Galveston, Texas 77550
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